

彫刻家 橋本雅也の作品集『間なるもの』に寄稿しました。









母鹿の骨で彫られた当時の作品を今あらためてみると、素材の主張が強い。わたしはかつて鹿を構成した骨であり、鹿が絶えたからこそ、ここに姿をみせている。草木がむせかえるように咲き乱れているのは、絶えたものを吸い上げているからである― 骨は、いのちが夥しい死の上に成り立っている事実を、激しさとして訴えているようにみえた。私たちは自分が生死の循環のさなかに在ることを実感したとき、心をどこに置けばいいのだろう。










Hand of The Mother

Is form a volume of water?  The texture of a supple flower petal, saturated to the fullest.  The gradually diminishing, so dry and devoid of water it may resoundingly split.  From the moment we are born, little by little, little by little, our volume of water is decreasing.

I would like to touch the wrinkled, rounded form of Hosta.  I would like to take it in hand to better comprehend its tenderness, and the texture of the very time its fibers have traversed.  I want to gently place my fingers upon it.  However, I would surely be perplexed by an unexpected sensation when touched.  This flower is made of deer antler.

Picking up a badger bone in the mountains became the impetus for Hashimoto to use deer bone and antler as the material for his sculpture.

“This is something beautiful I have yet to carve.”

And so the journey began from this instinctive reaction.  He discovered plant-like forms and curves as he polished, whittled, and carved these bones.  The search continued for years.  Then, from the frustration with his inability to achieve the results he desired, came an opportunity to participate in a deer hunt.

He did not anticipate, however, that he would kill more than one deer.  As his hand explored the animal’s warm abdomen, it came across an unborn fawn.  He did not intend for this loss.  As his inspiration drifted away and his mind went blank, he could hear the sound of flowing water, and the image of a flower came to mind.

Looking once again upon the works made from the bones of the mother deer at that time, the assertive power of the material is strong.  “I am the bones that once structured a deer, and precisely because it has died, I am here in this form.”  A blooming so profuse it chokes out all other vegetation is possible because the dead are absorbed and consumed, and I came to see the bones as a forceful proclamation of the fact that they are indeed life, built upon innumerable deaths.  How should we feel when we truly comprehend that we were all in the midst of this cycle of life and death?

As the seasons change, the material stands passively by.  Flowers purify the air, antler and bone are celebrated by silence.

Parts selected for use are less than one centimeter thick.  What sort of deep curves or complex arcs will emerge?  Forms become visible from within the pre-existing limitations of the material.

Antler and bone are materials with multiple limitations.  Impossible to duplicate the figure of a plant as it is, he thinks of how to capture its form in a natural way.  What direction does it face?  Which direction is the wind blowing?  All factors are considered together.  Once this orientation of light and wind have been determined, he can begin to work freely.  There was a time in which he sought out the most suitable material, according to its thickness and whiteness of color, though his fixation with this has gradually diminished.  As he has come to accept the material for what it is, including thickness and shape, stains and discoloration, little by little he says he has developed a sense for reading the flow of the material, and allows it to guide him.

The supple movement of flower petals and the veins that flow within them make it seem as if they might come to life at any moment.  From teeming to withering, we learn that all times in the waning cycle of life are beautiful.  Despite the fact that these flowers are made of antler and bone, or perhaps it is precisely because of it, a sense of this emerges.

In short, what exactly are flowers, and antlers, and bones?  Questions of how to capture form, structure, and composition… surely it is the hand of the artist that knows deepest, in ways no other can.  It is a rapport with life itself, and the unique experiences of the body.  While envious of the hand that experiences creation and transformation in this most intimate of ways, I take in what is visible with my eyes.

I want to place my hands together in prayer to the very richness of existence.  Feelings and emotions well forth in the palms of my hands.  Before wishing for success or achievement, is the act of prayer not one that we engage in with an open heart as we implore something great, acknowledge what Mother Nature has bestowed upon us – that which we have received – that ultimately leads to a blossoming of our own?

Hashimoto ate the meat of the mother deer.  The mother deer flowed through him, and his hands became part of the Mother.  He discovers, nurtures, nestles close to, observes, and draws out the essence of the things whose forms he is trying to capture.  Once the ability and desire to do so is born, its flow is never ending.  If only we would notice, the Mother abounds within us as well.

“Not to capture the life of flower in deer, rather to give expression to that which both innately possess.  If this is achieved, surely the joy will be overwhelming.”